In a response to Georg from Berlin I re-wrote my Arc-ee-type script. Well, not solely for him, it’s something I’ve had my mind on for a while, but he gave me an incentive. Much of the work went into making a stable GUI but also some other features such as the option to draw the arcs either on the in- or outside of the circle.
There are three ways of creating the arcs:
- Manually type the from/to angle.
- Clicking with the Scriptographer pen tool anywhere on the artboard as the from/to angles are calculated from the origin of the circle.
- Or, by a combination of the two methods above.
The script snaps to anchors as well so adding anchors to the circle could be an easy way of creating a regular pattern. Although not “officially” released, the script can be found/downloaded here.
While the two images above has nothing to do with hyperbolic geometry they are nevertheless created by MC Escher – who, on the other hand, was a master of such art. Besides being nice to look at these images serves me as a reminder that I should probably take the time to do something with my Block Mania script. I mean, I spent a lot of time making these, I should make something cool.
February 23rd, 2012 at 17:01
I am Begoña Alarcón, lecturer and member of the Dynamical Systems group at University of Oviedo. Currently, we are organizing an international congress motivated by the 100 years after Poincaré’s death.
I find your ‘artistic’ drawing
is very nice and I would like to allow us to use it as a pattern in the poster of the conference. Can we?
All the best,
Begoña Alarcón.
February 29th, 2012 at 17:14
Sure you can, just send me a mail to hakan (at) monovektor (dot) com so we can talk about this further with a little more privacy.