As a direct result of looking at Jonathan Puckey’s excellent Delaunay Raster script I started reading about triangles. Triangles may seem dull at first but if you look closer there are a lot going on here that many people seem to forget. There are also things that are downright incredible, for instance, Wikipedia states that: “As of 26 May 2010 Clark Kimberling’s Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers contains an annotated list of 3587 triangle centers.”
Anyway, I set out to make a tool for drawing triangles, which could seem like a moot point; just pick three different coordinates and draw a closed line between each. Well, I wanted to be able to control each triangles many different attributes as well. Now, 3587 centers are a little steep so I thought I should start with the, so called, four ancient centers. The first ones discovered and perhaps the most easily comprehensible. They are; the centroid, incenter, circumcenter and the orthocenter as pictured below.
I managed to find a very good paper on the net on how to calculate some of these points with vectors and I think it turned out well. There are a lot of good looking cool stuff you can do with triangles so I guess the next step for me would be to learn how to turn this into a javascript class to make them easier to handle , should I make a script involving triangles.