Posted February 14, 2011 at 15:22 in Graphics, Illustrator, Scriptographer - 14 comments

The Saville Raster was the first script I wrote for Scriptographer, though I have to admit that I had alot of help from a friend.

The idea wasn’t my own. Jürg Leni, creator of the Scriptographer plugin, had commissioned a script, called Faust, that produced this effect for an artist and the script wasn’t published on the site. Alot of people in the forum had expressed a desire for this script and I thought that if the Faust script couldn’t be released due to some reason or other that wouldn’t stop me from posting my own version. I really liked it too and figured that this couldn’t be all that hard to do so I sat down with a friend, with a much higher understanding of javascript than me, and started scripting.

It didn’t take long and the result was very satisfying and really sparked a new interest in trying to use Illustrator as a tool for more procedurally generated art/design, such as Processing or NodeBox/NodeBox 2. I named it Saville Raster after its strong resemblance of Peter Saville’s iconic album cover for Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasures.

Unfortunately, just a day or two after posting the script, I was contacted by Jürg who felt, although glad I had started using Scriptographer, obliged to remove the script. We exchanged some mails and sorted it all out.

If anything, I felt kind of flattered by the whole thing.

14 Responses to “SAVILLE RASTER”

  1. andi
    October 27th, 2011 at 10:36

    do u still got the script file….its not avaible anymore
    would be fantastic if u could share it


  2. Kila
    November 28th, 2011 at 20:14

    Incrivel este script. Onde consigo fazer o download

  3. Håkan @ Monovektor
    November 28th, 2011 at 20:27

    Muito obrigado. Depois de muitos pedidos, vou colocar esse script em breve. Manter os olhos abertos. [Google translate]

  4. Håkan @ Monovektor
    November 28th, 2011 at 20:28

    After many requests, I have decided to put this script out for download soon. Keep your eyes open.

  5. Kila
    December 13th, 2011 at 19:57

    Boa tarde! Como pretende postar o script para download. Seria muito gentil se antecipasse à minha caixa postal.

  6. Rapha
    December 22nd, 2011 at 4:55

    Faust, Saville and/or Hector script available by now?

  7. jim
    January 4th, 2012 at 12:55

    Trying to stifle the spread of something thats relatively easy to repeat is a loosing game

  8. jim
    January 4th, 2012 at 13:01

    ….and somewhat ironic that its a copied style in the first place.. Jürg has plenty to claim his fame for. Not sure why he’s still so ‘my precious’ about this personally

  9. Håkan @ Monovektor
    January 4th, 2012 at 16:28

    Hi Jim,
    A while back I sent an email to Jürg asking him if he minded I released my Saville Raster script. As he didn’t replied I figured it wouldn’t be that big a deal anyway. Litteraly 5 minutes before I was about to post it I got his reply saying:

    “I still plan to release the Faust script, but need to brush it up a bit. So if you could refrain from releasing the Saville, that’d be great.”

    So, I am NOT stifling, I have gotten ALOT of emails asking me to release it and believe me, I do want to. But on the other hand, it’s is all due to Jürg that we have this wonderful plugin to toy around with in the first place and I feel that I want to honour his wishes because of that.
    I hope you can endure, otherwise I would suggest to make your own version as it is really a very small matter but nonetheless personally rewarding in doing so.

    / Håkan

  10. gabriel
    February 16th, 2012 at 13:48

    I’m waiting for the download link. Congrats for the work.

  11. oleg
    March 16th, 2012 at 19:46

    I really love your work, Håkan!
    The only thing is i don’t understand why Jürg preventing you from posting your script? You didn’t use or see his code when creating your script and the ideas cannot be copyrighted.
    Anyways, I wonder if you could try to add this level of functionality to your script as shown here: (by the way since this app is out, maybe there is no point to keep your own script under the table?)


  12. ShtuGrass
    April 20th, 2012 at 11:19

    Hello Cool! Where can I get this script?

  13. Håkan @ Monovektor
    May 9th, 2012 at 12:17

    and thanks. As of right now it is not for public use. Maybe sometime in the future I will make it available.
    In the meantime you could always try this one out, by Gareth Williams, as it produces a very similar effect.

  14. mario
    May 2nd, 2018 at 2:35

    I would love to try this script.
    Is it possible,
    Thank you,
