What serendipity.
There I’m sitting, at work, the time is 03:22am and for some reason I’m googling pictures of the old boardgame HeroQuest when one image catches my eye. It’s by this guy; Mattias Gustavsson, posted over at RetroGameDev, who has made a pixel shader for a project he’s working on. The shader makes your images look like tmhey are viewed on an old worn-out TV. As it happens, Mattias made an executable of his filter, but unfortunately, it’s for Windows only…

As I’m in love with (or, at least, very fond of) all things retro, this was right up my alley. Clearly, nostalgia is the proof of that you’re getting older.
It seems, for some reason, that Joy Division and Radiohead – well, Thom Yorke anyway – is the most popular bands for designers and illustrators when it comes to inspiration. I can’t say how many portraits of Yorke I’ve seen in different forums and mags, but guessing at double figures wouldn’t be far off!
The question I ask myself is; can I really justify a viable existence with graphic design as a hobby and interest if I’ve never heard more than two songs from either band? And to tell you the truth, I wasn’t that inspired, either…
Well, to be fair, Joy Division do inspire good design. For some, at least.
What Peter Saville did on Unknown Pleasures is briliant!

Jürg Lehni, the creator of Scriptographer, have together with Jonathan Puckey developed Paper.js.
What it is? Well, I would say it’s a mix between Adobe Illustrator and Scriptographer on HTML5 Canvas.
Simply put, it allows you to do pretty much everything you can do with AI + Scriptographer in terms of scripting vector graphics, only this time through your web browser.
The best part is that it is highly compatible (save for a few revised and added features) with your old scripts as it is largely based on Scriptographer.
It even seems to be working on my iPhone 4.
It is very slow, though.
I have been looking for ways to mathematically convert RGB colors to other color standards. My intention is to create some script or routine that would, either automagically or manually, make it easier to pick similar colors out of a predefined one. My first thought was that the HSB standard would be a good choice but forum posts pointed to Lab instead. A quick google later I found EasyRGB, which came very much in handy. The people over there have a long list of functions in a generic programming language for converting between several (if not all) of the most common color standards.
Much to my joy, they also listed a function for calculating ΔE, color difference. More on this subject can be read in this Wikipedia article. Lets just say that I went with the CIE94 (or Delta E 1994 or ΔE94, there doesn’t seem be a formal name for it).