Posted January 24, 2012 at 14:57 in Graphics, Illustrator, Inspiration, Scriptographer - 2 comments

In a response to Georg from Berlin I re-wrote my Arc-ee-type script. Well, not solely for him, it’s something I’ve had my mind on for a while, but he gave me an incentive. Much of the work went into making a stable GUI but also some other features such as the option to draw the arcs either on the in- or outside of the circle.
There are three ways of creating the arcs:

  1. Manually type the from/to angle.
  2. Clicking with the Scriptographer pen tool anywhere on the artboard as the from/to angles are calculated from the origin of the circle.
  3. Or, by a combination of the two methods above.

The script snaps to anchors as well so adding anchors to the circle could be an easy way of creating a regular pattern. Although not “officially” released, the script can be found/downloaded here.



Posted January 19, 2012 at 0:51 in Graphics, Illustrator, Scriptographer - Say something

A couple of weeks ago I said I was going to release my Saville Raster script since I hadn’t heard back from Jürg asking for his consent (I feel this is the proper thing to do since we all owe it to him for his wonderful tool to begin with). Just as I was to upload it I got his answer in which he asked me to refrain from uploading as he himself seem to have the intention of releasing his version. Just as soon he finds the time to brush it up a little.
There have been a lot of people asking for my script and I am sincerely regretful for not sharing. On the other hand there may not be long before Jürg posts the real deal. ‘Till then.

Oh, and a happy new year (albeit a little late)!