According to a recent tweet by Jürg Lehni, Wolff Olins and Everyday Workshops are showcasing an installation made with the Scriptographer tool without giving any credit what-so-ever, a clear violation of the License Agreement Terms. Seems to be made fairly recent as well, because unless I’m not terribly mistaken, the above picture is made with functions just added to my Isometric Block Raster script. I’m flattered but at the same time somewhat upset – on behalf of Jürg – that people don’t give a damn about respecting simple rules!
UPDATE (Feb 27 – 23:28)
Seems they have corrected their little mishap and added the credits at the bottom.
UPDATE (Feb 28 – 12:08)
More corrections! Apparently had nothing to do with the whole ordeal as he was just posting stuff that he found interesting. Being a nice guy, he contacted Everyday Workshops and informed them about the mistake. So sorry David!
Some days ago I saw this project called Blocky Earth by Jaume Sánchez (image above) which reminded me of my old isometric block raster script (image below). Looking at the code now, I have to say that there are a bunch of things I would have done different had I done it today, so I spent last night rewriting it. As the script got a well deserved overhaul I also took the time to put in some things that I felt was going to add a nice touch.
What follows are images and short descriptions of how these add-ons work.
Today is the – by the time of posting – EXACT one year anniversary of (huzzah!), during which I managed to write 50+ posts. Mostly about writing scripts for use with Scriptographer. I just hope I keep coming up with more stuff to put into code.
Finally, I got around to order the complete collection of Sin City graphic novels. Although this is truly a great graphic masterpiece it is an equally sad fact that Frank turned out to be a hate mongering fascist. Yes, I know, I should have steered clear, but there is no denying that these books packs a lot of punch in the graphics department. So much so in fact that I’m going to turn a blind side on this one.
After I made the tool for making them hyperbolic lines, Georg, was wondering if there was a way of converting existing, straight lines into hyperbolic ones. He had already started on his project and felt that re-drawing 500 lines by hand would be a rather tedious task whereby he asked me the aforementioned question.

I’ve been working on a calendar script for Illustrator. At the moment I’m not really sure how to style it. My initial thought was to have a bunch of different calendar styles to choose from but now I’m more into to just output a crude template and let the styling be made by hand.
The script also computes what week (ISO-8601 standard) it is – by prototyping the javascript date function – made by Taco van den Broek and borrowed from this site.