Posted March 15, 2012 at 13:21 in Graphics, Illustrator, Scriptographer - 1 comment
Dashed with black background

I have been experimenting with different kinds of raster effects lately. Not really breaking any new grounds here but it is fun to try to come up with new stuff and just to play around for a while. The hardest part is to find a suitable image to apply these effects on and most of [more…]


Posted October 1, 2011 at 1:20 in Graphics, Music, Photoshop - 1 comment

In my on-going quest of finding ways to make nice and interesting textures (one of the reason that I’m on the lookout for an old analog Xerox machine), I read a tutorial somewhere (I really should make more use of ⌘ + B) where the guy writing had a pretty neat trick to create his [more…]


Posted September 29, 2011 at 18:18 in Books & Magazines, Inspiration, Music - Say something

I just ordered some back issues – five to be exact – of IdN a couple of days ago. Great mag with diverse, new topics in every issue. I first heard about it when Nine Inch Nails art director Rob Sheridan twittered about being featured within as a glitch artist.
