Posted October 28, 2011 at 15:56 in Graphics, Illustrator, Scriptographer - Say something

A year ago, almost to the day, as I was searching for ways to procedurally make random street maps (of which I wrote a post here), I got wind of L-Systems which seemed like a good venture for Scriptographer. I found Aristid Lindenmeyer‘s, book – The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants – as a high quality PDF (available for download here). But somehow this whole undertaking slipped away from me and I ended up doing something else. When I finally got to it, I rewrote the whole thing in one sitting. As a matter of fact, I had very much help from an unexpected find and seemingly unrelated blog by Graham Bradley where he thoroughly explains how he made an Enigma cipher emulator in javascript.



Posted March 8, 2011 at 14:14 in Games, Graphics, Illustrator, Scriptographer - 1 comment

Some days ago I found a paper entitled ‘Procedural modelling of cities‘ written by Parish and Müller (creators of CityEngine), and was reminded of Introversion‘s game-in-progress Subversion.Procedural generated cities produce some rather interesting patterns so I started to look around for more code and found the Suicidator City Generator, a free Python script for Blender.
